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Show Goons as 'Deceased' in Detective Mode: Set BmGame.RThugMineBase bDestroyASAP true Set BmGame.RPersistentDebugData Debug_Combat_DisableStrikeTrails true Set BmGame.RPersistentDebugData Debug_Combat_DisableStunStars true Set Engine.LocalPlayer IsThermalEnabled true Make everyone Deceased in detective mode: Set BmGame.RBMCombatManager bSuppressFinalBlow true Set BmGame.RBmPawnSpawner bPawnShouldFleeImmediately Set bmgame.rbmpawnspawner bpawnshouldfleecombat true Set bmgame.rlevelvolume overridebatclawrange 999999999 Set bmgame.rgrapplegun maxgrappleheight 999999999 Set bmgame.rplayercontroller capeglideminspeed 99 Set bmgame.rgameinfo enablebigheadmode true Set BmGame.RPersistentDebugData Debug_Combat_OneHitKill true

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Set BmGame.RInventoryGadget bCanEquipWhileRecharging true Set BmGame.RPawnPlayerCombat bIncreasedCombatPower true Set BmGame.RCombatMove_BatmanCounter bShouldKill true Set BmGame.RFractureWallBase IsTakedownWall true Set BmGame.RBMPawnAI bBatarangCanKill true Here's a compiled list of cheat codes that you can use:

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